
  • Global Journal of Health Related Researches

    Welcome to the Global Journal of Health Related Researches. The Global Journal of Health

    Related Researches (GJHRR) is a broad based scholarly, referred, a yearly journal published by the Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. The scope of the journal includes the research development, and practice in all areas of health, environment and education (human development, school, training, formal, informal, tertiary, vocational education, industry training, and lifelong learning).

  • Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research

    The Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research is an Ahmadu Bello University sponsored Peer Review Journal. The Journal publishes original research papers, review articles, conference reports, synopsis of doctoral thesis, short research reports (highlighting important research findings), and book review in all areas of Pure and Applied Sciences.

    Prospective authors are advised to consult the journal’s “Guide to Authors

  • Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

    The Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences publishes original articles and reviews on
    pharmaceutical and related clinical and basic sciences. It will also serve as a medium for
    publicizing and communicating the ever growing and changing development in the field of
    pharmacy practice. The journal will further serve as a medium for continuing Education in

  • Nigerian Journal of Soil And Environmental Research

    The Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research is an annual publication of the Department of Soil
    Science, Faculty of Agriculture/Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
    The Journal accepts articles in English and is concerned with soil and environmental issues. The Journal
    accepts original research not published in full elsewhere in areas such as:-
    Soil Genesis and Classification
    Soil Chemistry and Fertility
    Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry
    Soil Physics
    Management of Soil and Water Resources
    Agroclimatology and Geography of Soils
    Environmental Issues of Interest to Soil Science

  • Nigerian Journal of Contemporary Public Policy Issues

    This journal is a bi-annual peer-reviewed dedicated publication of contemporary economic and public policy issues. The two-fold purpose of the journal is to provide a global forum for presenting authoritative references, academically rigorous, theoretical and applied researches, as well as case studies. it captures and publishes the latest thinking on a variety of topics related to contemporary economics and public policy.

  • Zaria Journal of Electrical Engineering Technology

    1. The journal language is English and all contributions should be in English.
    2. The journal publishes original quality articles reporting advances in theory,
    techniques, methodology, applications and practice, general surveys and critical reviews, educational
    or training articles including case studies, short communications, keynote papers, book reviews and
    announcement etc. concerned with traditional or core Electrical, Power Energy and Electronics.
    Computer Engineering, Communication engineering. ICT and related areas. The journal aims at
    emphasizing and use of Engineering design and analysis and strives o maintain a balance between
    research and application and disseminate information to both researchers and practitioners
    3. Submit original plus three copies of complete manuscript including figures to the editor. Electronic
    copies may be submitted using the email address. The decision of the editorial board regarding
    acceptability of a manuscript for publication in the journal is final. The manuscript will be put in review
    with the understanding that the same papers or work has not been published elsewhere, and all authors
    have been given approval for submission.
    4. In the event the manuscript is accepted for publication, author(s) are to transfer copyright of the article
    including right to produce the article in all forms to ZJEET
    5. All manuscript must be prepared according to the ZJEET format presented in page V..
    6. Payment should be made in cash to the Chairman, Editorial Committee or through Diamond
    Bank Account 0022432365, Samaru Branch payable to Zaria Journal of Electrical Engineering
    Technology, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria.

  • Nigerian Journal of Rural Finance and Entrepreneurship

    The NJRFE is a bi-annual double-blind peer-review journal to ensure originality and
    relevance with emphasis on theoretical, empirical and conceptual articles on the general
    areas of all entrepreneurship fields, rural finance, management and economics. Its invites
    papers from individual, scholars and groups across the globe to submit their manuscripts
    on the general areas of all entrepreneurship fields, rural finance, management and
    economics for publication in its Maiden Edition Vol. 1, No 1 & 2, 2023 of the journal.
    Papers submitted should not have been published elsewhere and are not currently
    considered for publication in another journal. The publication is twice a year June and


    The publication of this volume of the Departmental Journal comes at a time when so much
    emphasis is placed on the quality of output of academics in Nigerian Universities. The
    Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum is pleased to be contributing to the
    advancement of quality knowledge through this volume. The volume has taken this long to be
    published because of the desire of the Editorial Board to be thorough in the assessment of
    papers to ensure that only quality papers with high intellectual contents are published. The
    Editorial Board is satisfied with the quality of papers in this volume and therefore
    recommends it to all those interested in the advancement of education in Nigeria