About the Journal

The NJRFE is a bi-annual double-blind peer-review journal to ensure originality and
relevance with emphasis on theoretical, empirical and conceptual articles on the general
areas of all entrepreneurship fields, rural finance, management and economics. Its invites
papers from individual, scholars and groups across the globe to submit their manuscripts
on the general areas of all entrepreneurship fields, rural finance, management and
economics for publication in its Maiden Edition Vol. 1, No 1 & 2, 2023 of the journal.
Papers submitted should not have been published elsewhere and are not currently
considered for publication in another journal. The publication is twice a year June and
Authors are required to strictly adhere to the following guidelines as part of the
submission procedures. Submissions that do not adhere to the guidelines will be rejected.
The cover page should include author(s) title, full name(s), institutional affiliation
address, email address and phone number(s) must appear on the cover page.
 The submission file should be in Open Office file, Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
 Abstract should not exceed 300 words and should be in italics and single line spacing
with 5 keywords arranged alphabetically.
 The text of the manuscript should not exceed 8000 words with 1.5 spacing using a
12-point font (Times New Roman); italics should be used in place of underlining
except for URL addresses; place all illustrations, tables and figures within the text at
the appropriate places, not at the end. Titles and section headlines should be clear and
brief. Sources for tables and images should also be provided.
 When using a word which is or is asserted to be a proprietary term or trademark,
authors must use the symbol ® or TM.
 Manuscripts covering investigations should be compiled in the following order: title
page; abstract; keywords; introduction, literature review, materials and methods,
results and discussion, conclusion and recommendations; references APA 7th edition.
 All manuscripts should be accompanied with evidence of payment of a non
refundable assessment fee of N5, 000 or $10 via this email address

Payment of N25, 000 or $40 publication fee for every article accepted for publication
will be required.
 All payments should be made to; Account Name: INT. CNTR FOR RURAL FIN.
(INFR. A/C) Account Number: 0303101863 Bank: ABU MICRO FINANCE

Dr. Idris Bashir Bugaje
Editor in Chief

Dr. Hussaini Suleiman

Editorial Secretary