Aggregate, compressive strength, concrete, flexural strengthAbstract
This study reported on the evaluation of some concrete’s properties using different coarse aggregate sizes. This has
become imperative because coarse aggregate contains the largest portion of materials used in concrete and determining
its optimum performance in concrete can be helpful for professionals in the construction industry. An experimental
research design was adopted, which produced thirty (30) concrete specimens, made up of eighteen (18) cube mould
of 100 mm x 100 mm x 100mm and twelve (12) beam mould of size 500 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm. The specimens
were cured and tested at 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days respectively. The results revealed that the optimum compressive
strength of 19.0 mm aggregate sized concrete was 6.12% higher than the 12.5 mm aggregate sized concrete at 28 days
of curing duration. Also, the optimum flexural strength of 12.5 mm aggregate sized concrete was 14.0% higher than
the 19.0 mm aggregate sized concrete at 28 days of curing duration. This suggest that 12.5 mm aggregate sizes should
be used in the construction of structural members that transmit their loading in flexure and 19.0 mm aggregate sizes
are best suitable for compression structural members for optimum structural performance.