Knowledge, attitudes, compliance, packaged water plantAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate compliance with guidelines for the establishment of packaged water
plants in Benin Metropolis of Edo State. Five research questions and two null hypotheses were raised and
formulated respectively to guide the study. The descriptive survey research method was adopted for this study.
The population for this study were all the packaged water plants and their managers in Benin Metropolis of Edo
State. The sample size of this study consists of 37 packaged water plants. Systematic sampling technique was
used to select 37 packaged water plants from the 71 packaged water plants in Benin Metropolis of Edo State.
The instruments used for data collection was a researchers’ structured checklist and questionnaire. Face and
content validity of the instrument was carried out by three (3) experts in the Department of Health, Safety and
Environmental Education, Faculty of Education, University of Benin, Benin City. The data collected were
sorted, coded and analyzed using frequency count, simple percentage, and bar chart while Chi-Square was used
to test the formulated null hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level of significance.
The results revealed that the majority of the package water plants do not comply with the guidelines for
establishment of package water plants. Majority of the package water plants workers have moderate level of
knowledge of guidelines for the establishment of packaged water plants among workers in Benin Metropolis,
Edo State, majority of the respondents have positive attitude towards guidelines for the establishment of
packaged water plant among workers in Benin Metropolis, Edo State, Knowledge of workers in Benin
Metropolis of Edo State does not significantly influence compliance to guidelines for establishment of packaged
water plants, Attitude of workers in Benin Metropolis of Edo State does not significantly influence compliance
to guidelines for establishment of packaged water plants. Based on the findings it was recommended among
others that: the regulatory body (NAFDAC) should embark on routine monitoring of water plants in order to
ensure strict compliance to the guidelines for establishment of package water plants.