The study assessed motivational factors for sport participation among elite athletes in States Sport Councils/Commissions
in Nigeria. In order to actualize this purpose, researcher developed two (2) purpose of the study, two (2) research questions
and two (2) research hypotheses. The ex-post facto research design was used by the researcher. The population of the study
was one thousand one hundred and sixty-one (1,161) consisted of all elite athletes of States Sport Councils/Commissions
in the six (6) Geo-Political Zones of Nigeria including FCT, Abuja. To obtain adequate data, a sample of four hundred and
sixty-eight (468) respondents comprising of males and females was drawn from the population. Simple random sampling
and proportionate sampling techniques were used to select the numbers of respondents for the study. The researcher used
validated questionnaire of 5 point Likert scale. A total of four hundred and sixty-eight (468) copies of the questionnaire
were administered to the respondents and four hundred and fifty (450) representing 96% were duly filled, returned while
eighteen (18) representing 4% were found to be invalid for the study. The Cronbach Alpha reliability was used, co-efficient
of alpha level of 0.95 was obtained. Descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages (%) were used to describe data
collected on demographic variables of the respondents. Descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and one sample
t – test were used to discuss the questionnaire and analyse the six hypotheses at alpha level of 0.05. The findings revealed
that the provision of motivational allowances such as match bonuses, wage incentives, extra allowances, gift of cars, cash
gifts, and profits shares have great impact in motivating sports participation among elite athletes in States Sport
Councils/Commissions in Nigeria, the provision of overseas scholarship award, scholarship award, scholarships for
hobbies and extracurricular, employer scholarships for athletes, and scholarships for athletes serves as motivating sports
participation among elite athletes in States Sport Councils/Commissions in Nigeria and promoting athletes to a new rank.
Based on the findings, the study concluded that States Sport Councils/Commissions in Nigeria do not give motivational
allowances to enhance sports participation such as match bonuses, wage incentives, extra allowances, gift of cars, cash
gifts, and profits sharing, there is inadequate or no provision of well-equipped medical centers, with qualified medical
team, or items such as ambulances. Based on conclusion it was recommended that monetary award should be used to
motivate sports participation among elite athletes in States Sport Councils/Commissions in Nigeria, scholarship award
should be used as a motivation for sports participation among elite athletes in States Sport Councils/Commissions in
Nigeria and Promotion should be used as a motivation for sports participation among elite athletes in States Sport
Councils/Commissions in Nigeria.